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Arabic Learning Course for Hajj and Umrah Purposes


About This Course

The course aims to provide Arabic modules for specific purpose s: Hajj and Umrah users, considering the great potential of Indo nesians who go to Makkah and Madinah in Saudi Arabia to perf orm either Hajj or Umrah. Given the significant increase in the number of pilgrims, basic Arabic for communication is essential . We initiate asynchronous teaching (self-paced MOOC) by opti mizing learning videos. Nevertheless, students are still encourag ed to participate actively in the modules by doing homework rel ated to the substances. The homework itself plays as our assess ment of the program’s success.

Learning Objectives

1. Students understand the common words and phrases use2 d in communication for Umrah and Hajj purposes 2. Students know when to use the suitable expression in ac cordance with the context 3. Students are able to apply the expression according to th e context.

Course Staff

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Bastian Zulyeno, M.A, Ph.D. was born in Bagan Siapi-Api on July 19, 1981. After completing his secondary education at the Gontor Islamic Boarding School (1999) and completing his Bachelor's degree in Arabic (2004), he earned a Master of Art (2009) majoring in Persian Language and Literature from the University of Tehran. Then in September 2012 he successfully completed his PhD in the same field and became the first Indonesian to receive a PhD in Persian Literature from the University of Tehran, Iran. He has been appointed as a permanent lecturer in the Arabic Study Program since 2015 of the University of Indonesia. And since 2021, he has been the Head of the Arabic Study Program, the University of Indonesia. Looking from his publication perspective, most of his research are in the fields of Culture and Literature. In addition to teaching and writing, he is also one of the Central Administrators of the Indonesian Epigraphy Experts Association (PAEI) and Hari Puisi Indonesia Foundation (YHPI). The results of his research in 2017 on ancient tombstones in Barus received an award from the Faculty of Humanities as a Researcher with the best cluster research results.

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Staff Member #1

Gina Najjah Hajidah, M.Hum. is a full-time lecturer at Arabic Study Program of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Indonesia (UI). She is an author of a textbook entitled al-'Arabiyyatu li al-Aṭfāli. In addition to her teaching at UI, she is a tutor of Quranic Arabic class for women in numerous communities in both online and offline classes. Additionally, she is as well a director of Ibu dan Anak Bubu foundation that works on health and education for women and children..

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Staff Member #2

Hafidz Fadli, M.A., is an Arabic Course Coordinator at Lembaga Bahasa Internasional, the University of Indonesia. After his master’s degree graduation from the Arabic Literary Studies of International Islamic University Malaysia, He has been actively polishing his teaching skills in several institutions, including universities. He then, with his colleague, established his learning institution called Arabisy foundation. He is passionate to some disciplines, such as classical Arabic literature, Islam in Southeast Asia, Malay literature, Anthropology of ritual. His published books are “Merawat Nilai-nilai Keindonesiaan” (2017) and “Wakaf Uang untuk Kemajuan dan Kebangkitan Indonesia” (2018). He published academic articles in several journals as well.

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Staff Member #3

Lili Muhammad Romli is a junior lecturer at Arabic Studies Program, Faculty of Humanities, the University of Indonesia.
