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Cross-Cultural Management in the Workplace


General Information

Course Category : Professional Development

Intended Audience

This is designed for a diverse audience, including managers, human resources professionals, team leaders, global business practitioners, entrepreneurs, consultants, educators, expatriates, and individuals interested in cultural competence. The course provides essential insights and strategies for effectively navigating the challenges and opportunities presented by multicultural workplaces. Whether a manager seeking to lead diverse teams, an entrepreneur engaging with global markets, or an individual striving for cultural sensitivity, this course offers valuable tools to enhance communication, collaboration, and leadership within cross-cultural environments. Through a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical applications, participants will gain the skills needed to thrive in today's interconnected and culturally diverse profess.

Course Aim:

The aim of the “Cross-Cultural Management in the Workplace” course is to equip participants with a comprehensive understanding of the complexities and nuances of intercultural interactions within professional settings. By exploring cultural dimensions, communication styles, negotiation strategies, conflict resolution techniques, and leadership approaches across different cultures, this course aims to enhance participants' cross-cultural competence and empower them to successfully manage and lead in diverse work environments.

Main Topics:

  1. Cultural Dimensions and Frameworks
  2. Communication Across Cultures
  3. Cross-Cultural Negotiation
  4. Diversity and Inclusion
  5. Cultural Adaptation

Course Design Approach:

The course follows a self-paced activities. It incorporates various teaching methods, including problem-based learning, group discussions, and individual research. The course material is designed to facilitate critical thinking and foster deep understanding of the subject matter. The scope of the course encompasses learners with the skills and insights needed for effective cross-cultural management in diverse workplace environments.

Mode of Instruction:

The course instruction is delivered asynchronous methods, involved group discussion, including components for self-paced study and resource access.

Technologies to be Used:

The course will leverage a variety of technologies to enhance the learning experience, including a user-friendly learning management system (LMS) for content delivery and assessment, video hosting platforms for engaging lectures, discussion forums for interactive peer discussions. Additionally, online quizzes, and feedback mechanisms will be integrated to facilitate continuous assessment and communication.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, learners should be able to:

  1. Develop a comprehensive understanding of cross-cultural dynamics in organizational settings, including the impact of cultural differences on communication, leadership, and teamwork
  2. Gain insights into effective strategies for managing diverse teams, addressing conflicts, and fostering inclusivity to enhance workplace productivity.
  3. CAcquire the skills to analyze real-world cross-cultural management scenarios and propose contextually sensitive solutions that promote collaboration and cultural awareness.
  4. Explore case studies and practical examples to cultivate cultural intelligence, enabling participants to adapt to diverse cultural contexts and make informed decisions in global business environments.
  5. Cultivate a critical perspective on cultural biases, stereotypes, and their implications, while fostering an appreciation for cultural diversity and its role in shaping successful intercultural interactions.

Learning Activities

Assessment in this course will be multifaceted, encompassing both individual and collaborative activities that mirror real-world challenges. Formative assessments will include quizzes at the end of each module to gauge understanding, as well as reflective journal entries to encourage personal insights and growth.

Case analyses of cross-cultural workplace scenarios will assess participants' ability to apply learned strategies to complex situations. Peer reviews will encourage constructive feedback and the development of cultural sensitivity. Summative assessments will consist of a comprehensive final assesment requiring participants to devise a cross-cultural management strategy for a hypothetical workplace scenario, showcasing their proficiency in navigating multicultural environments.

Assessment Strategies

Assessment in the course on Cross-Cultural Management in the Workplace will encompass a range of strategies to ensure comprehensive skill development and understanding. Formative assessments, including quizzes, short reflections, and interactive discussions, will provide ongoing feedback and encourage engagement with the course content

Assessment in the course on Cross-Cultural Management in the Workplace will encompass a range of strategies to ensure comprehensive skill development and understanding. Formative assessments, including quizzes, short reflections, and interactive discussions, will provide ongoing feedback and encourage engagement with the course content

Language of Instruction


Course Staff

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Course Coordinator and Principal Instructor

Dr. Hendra Kaprisma, S.Hum. (Universitas Indonesia)

Expertise: Literature Studie

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Principal Instructor

Dr. Tamara Adriani Salim, S.S., M.A. (Universitas Indonesia)

Expertise: Library and Information Science

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Principal Instructor

Dr. Untung Yuwono, S.S. (Universitas Indonesia)

Expertise: Linguistics

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Development Team

Damar Jinanto, M.Hum. (Universitas Indonesia)

Expertise: Cultural Studies

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Development Team

Muhammad Hanif Inamullah, M.Si. (Universitas Indonesia)

Expertise: Library and Information Science
